Duplicate function has been found: please deactivate and uninstall DropshipMe plugin


New Member

I'm getting this message ever since I've installed AliDropship Woo plugin. I have never used DropshipMe and it's not listed in my plugins. How do I remove this error?

AliDropship Woo plugin warning: Duplicate function has been found: please deactivate and uninstall DropshipMe plugin. You are trying to install AliDropship Woo and DropshipMe plugins together. Note that AliDropship Woo includes DropshipMe database and functions.


Well-Known Member

I'm getting this message ever since I've installed AliDropship Woo plugin. I have never used DropshipMe and it's not listed in my plugins. How do I remove this error?

Let's start with the proplem

a) Once before you install dropshipme and you delete propaply

b) you has clone your site from one which have dropshipme install and deleted it before you got it.

Let find possible Solution together ;)

a)go to you file manager then public html ,look for your
website folder and search for you plugin folder..then find the dropshipme folder delete or rename it.

If this don't work then follow the second option .

b) go and download the clean option plugin (do a database backup or full website backup first,for any case :p)
Then look for the dropship me option and delete.

If this don't work try the option number 3
And the easiest !

Delete your website and install a fresh wordpress website ,then everything is gonna work normal.

I let the better solution for the end:cool: