A wonderful earned youtube media for alidropship from Hogan Chua for alidropship plugin - a battle against shopify -
He has published a video which raises a question you will probably know the answer to.
I don't want to be compliant for storing credit card details so when he puts in the details for a credit card is this woo commerce or alidropship, It's a long video and I am trying to locate it. But I realised the extra risks involved and sure enough you don't want to be responsible for a bunch or card details on your mysql DB!
Is it a convenience thing and is it just my own card details (I dont want the risk to even my own card either)
So I am missing something and hope to answer my own question here if I find the part of the video -
He has published a video which raises a question you will probably know the answer to.
I don't want to be compliant for storing credit card details so when he puts in the details for a credit card is this woo commerce or alidropship, It's a long video and I am trying to locate it. But I realised the extra risks involved and sure enough you don't want to be responsible for a bunch or card details on your mysql DB!
Is it a convenience thing and is it just my own card details (I dont want the risk to even my own card either)
So I am missing something and hope to answer my own question here if I find the part of the video -