Disable automatic price update


Active Member
@Yaros @Ekaterina Sayapina Can you tell me, i also had the automatic price update setting to "on". I now don't want the prices to update. And have also removed all sale pricing. But product prices are still being updated and sale prices added.
Should the main setting not change it for all current products? Will i really have to go into hundreds of products and change that setting?


Victoria Kudryashova

@Yaros @Ekaterina Sayapina Can you tell me, i also had the automatic price update setting to "on". I now don't want the prices to update. And have also removed all sale pricing. But product prices are still being updated and sale prices added.
Should the main setting not change it for all current products? Will i really have to go into hundreds of products and change that setting?

You need to tick off update checkbox for products that you don't want to be updated:

Edit product ‹ SmellCar — WordPress - Google Chrome 2018-04-18 11.11.04.png


Active Member
@Victoria Kudryashova I dont' get it. All we want is for prices to no longer auto update but stock etc etc to be updated.
So i've disabled the dd.pngsetting.

Now you said i should manually disable d.png
in hundreds of products. And my question was, wouldn't that then disable auto update (other than prices) completely? And it sounds like you are saying yes.

So my question to you and @Yaros is, how do i set it up so auto update (not manual) works but without updating prices?? And if this is not possible, why not and it should be added.


Victoria Kudryashova

@Victoria Kudryashova I dont' get it. All we want is for prices to no longer auto update but stock etc etc to be updated.
So i've disabled the View attachment 3911setting.

Now you said i should manually disable View attachment 3912
in hundreds of products. And my question was, wouldn't that then disable auto update (other than prices) completely? And it sounds like you are saying yes.

So my question to you and @Yaros is, how do i set it up so auto update (not manual) works but without updating prices?? And if this is not possible, why not and it should be added.

Hello, yes you can do this as you described : set Do nothing at When a product's price changed field. This is bulk settings which are applied to all products.