Costs for Cloudways


New Member
Hey G&G, I need some input from anyone using Cloudways as hosts in terms of costs. I understand it is usage-based + a fix amount for server cost and as such have no inkling of how much would a DS site cost to operate monthly compared to fix-cost non-cloud plan hosting. Anyone using Cloudways with Alidropship or AlidropshipWOO? How many products are there in your site and what's costing you to maintain it? Do you have over-usage / CPU problems like I'm having with 2 hosts already (A2Hosting & SG)? I appreciate the feedback !
I am using Cloudways for the past couple of months and I recently created a dropshipping store for one of my clients. I have personally tested the AliDropship Woo plugin with Cloudways for testing purpose and it was a great experience to me.

So I would suggest you to use this managed hosting platform that offers top-tier cloud infrastructures, which include DigitalOcean, AWS, GCE, Vultr, and Linode, along with 60+ global data centers. Prices are Pay as You Go, with multiple payment options and plans suited to your needs.

The starting price of Cloudways is $10 for DigitalOcean server. By using this plan, you can get 1GB RAM, 1 Core Processor, 25 GB Storage, 1TB Bandwidth.

In addition, Cloudways offers free SSL certificates, free migration, HTTP2, PHP-7, multiple apps support, and many other features you can think of!


New Member
HI John thanks for the response.
I have read these details on Cloudways' website, but that server cost/mth + usage.. I'm wondering about that + usage... How many products do ur client have with AliDropshipWoo and what has been the billing like been so far the last month? Its competitive to a shared hosting u think, say SG's GrowBig Plan? It would be great if your paying for a GrowBig PLan without the annoying limited resources warnings, HTTP errors, etc..

Saud Razzak

New Member

This is Saud Razzak from Cloudways. Let me clarify it a bit. Our pricing model is pay-as-you-go, meaning, you will pay only for the resources you use for xx number of hours.

If you see the pricing page, the lowest server costs 0.0139/hour. For example, you use server for 5 hours and then delete it, the invoice will be $0.0139 * 5 (hours) = $0.0695 only.

And if you calculate it on a monthly basis (Assuming your server is live for 30 days). Here is the calculation:
$0.0139 / hour
720 hours in a month (30 days)
$0.0139 * 720 (hours) = $10.008 / month.

Let me know if you need further information, I will assist you. :)