Changing suppliers with external images in Gallery


New Member
I am able to change a supplier by changing the product URL under the supplier tab and that works fine.

My problem is that there is no option to grab a new featured image and image gallery.

I only use external images in my gallery and it is currently not possible to link to external images without deleting the product and regenerating it with the new supplier.

The problem with regenerating the product is that then I need to hunt down all the places I have added them as up-sells and cross-sells and add the new version of the product.

Is there any chance that you can do one of the following?
  1. Add an option under Reset Product to replace featured / gallery images.
  2. Add an option to add an image to the media gallery by URL.
  3. Change the Reset Product functionality so that it opens the Edit Product Dialogue from the AliDropship Chrome Plugin. That would allow us the most freedom because it could allow us to change any fields and images as we wish without the product ID changing (which means we don't need to hunt through products to re-add the updated product to cross-sells and up-sells).
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