Can't Update New Version & Can't Use Alidropship Woo!


New Member
From 4/11/2019:
Hi, I have repeatedly updated version 1.4.7 at least 3 or 4 times and each time it says it has updated successfully but then the next day or after a few hours it shows up as a new update. How do I fix this? Thanks so much.

As of 4/21/2019:
I am still not able to update and now I can't even import items and I can't authorize my site. I've emptied my cache, I've re-installed the Google Chrome extension, I have had my hosting company try to perform the update and this is their response to me below. I don't know what else to do. I know I can't fix this and I need help from you guys, otherwise, I've paid for a product that is broken and can't be used.

From my hosting company:
"We would like to inform you that we downloaded the new version of the plugin from the link that you provided in your initial response.
We uploaded and extracted the new version of the plugin and attempted to upgrade it once again. Unfortunately, the issue still remains and we would advise you to contact the vendor of the plugin and ask them to help you with the upgrade.
Last but not least if they inform you that something needs to be done on our end we will gladly try to assist you further.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us."

Please advise.