Built in currency's converter issue


New Member
Hi, wondering if anyones been having problems with the widget, tried all day yesterday installing it into my header at first it showed on all pages excluding shop and products, then it disappeared from all pages, re done the widget space and all that now its showing everywhere which is perfect, BUT selecting the currency in test mode works but in live mode it only works once every hr or so.

I figured out every time i purge my sites cash using the add on provided by siteground sg optimizer, it will allow me to switch currencies once then get stuck, i disabled the add on ourged cach and same thing happening, also i do have the cach option ticked in the converter
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I had the same issue with the currency converter feature but the support team told me it's a plug-in mainly cache plug-in I was using (wp fastest cache). They recommend to use wp super cache and it works for me now. I think you should deactivate the sg cache and try using the super cache and see if it works.
