alidropship woo - place order automatically doest work


New Member
Hi, i recently finish my first website dropshiping. First experience with the plugin.

I use flatsome theme on wordpress and woocommerce.

My plugin version is 1.2.3

I can import whitout problem. I receive one order and when i click on place order automaticaly nothing happen. I have the google chrome extension and i am login in aliexpress.

i miss something ?

Thanks you

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
i miss something ?
Probably, but without actually looking at your setup it's impossible to say what that is. You better contact Support and give them admin access to your site so they can have a look.

Create a new user/password with admin rights and give them the details as well as the URL to your Admin page. You can delete the new user after they are done.



Hi, i recently finish my first website dropshiping. First experience with the plugin.

I use flatsome theme on wordpress and woocommerce.

My plugin version is 1.2.3

I can import whitout problem. I receive one order and when i click on place order automaticaly nothing happen. I have the google chrome extension and i am login in aliexpress.

i miss something ?

Thanks you

Hello, joe350!

Have you already contacted our support team? You can PM me your admin access. I will check the issue.