I'm trying to cheat an asshole and suggest him to use Paypal and use Good and Service method
If there is a dispute, Paypal will refund the buyer in 7 days, always like that
Haha, you guys make me laugh to death =)))))



Well-Known Member
I'm trying to cheat an asshole and suggest him to use Paypal and use Good and Service method
If there is a dispute, Paypal will refund the buyer in 7 days, always like that
Haha, you guys make me laugh to death =)))))

View attachment 15055

The issue is you didn’t refund your customer yourself idiot.

You let PayPal do this for you.

This is not customer friendly behavior.

You just wish to win this $70 from your victim customer.

Anyway I am happy this thread prove to everybody you are not trustworthy, nobody must ever use your service again.

So live with this ;)


The issue is you didn’t refund your customer yourself idiot.

You let PayPal do this for you.

This is not customer friendly behavior.

You just wish to win this $70 from your victim customer.

Anyway I am happy this thread prove to everybody you are not trustworthy, nobody must ever use your service again.

So live with this ;)
I totally agree with you !!! Nobody must ever use his service again!!

He is a scammer and members of this forum must avoid him.
The issue is you didn’t refund your customer yourself idiot.

You let PayPal do this for you.

This is not customer friendly behavior.

You just wish to win this $70 from your victim customer.

Anyway I am happy this thread prove to everybody you are not trustworthy, nobody must ever use your service again.

So live with this ;)

I am always customer friendly but not all.

When I was offering to replace him with a new account, he thought I was cheating on him, I was a scammer... blah blah

And I made this guy wait 7 days, this is a lesson for him

Totally clean :)


New Member
You also like to punish your customers?

Members of this forum that is your prove for never use this guy!


See you never
You are actually stupid its making me laugh.
What “scammer” would offer goods and service paypal.
Honestly just get off the platform and go back to your mums basement. People like you don’t even deserve the internet

trustmaster88 is the most legit seller out there. He’s sorted out multiple ad accounts when banned for FREE because i followed the correct process.

get a life @chris37


Well-Known Member
You are actually stupid its making me laugh.
What “scammer” would offer goods and service paypal.
Honestly just get off the platform and go back to your mums basement. People like you don’t even deserve the internet

trustmaster88 is the most legit seller out there. He’s sorted out multiple ad accounts when banned for FREE because i followed the correct process.

get a life @chris37

hahaha @trustmaster88 you don’t trick nobody …. Everybody know you are the same person with @corotana .

This can go back and forward every time but the only sure is that everybody know you are a scammer.

Enough is enough you are a joke !!!!!


I am always customer friendly but not all.
You are not.
Everybody see how you behave, this is not a friendly customer attitude.
This is probably because of you low education and manners.

And I made this guy wait 7 days, this is a lesson for him
This is your attitude. You are so stupid that you show that in public .
Are you really believe anyone is go to take your service ever again?

I will personally report you.

@ahmedfathy please keep as inform about the PayPal and don’t let nobody get again scam of this scammer.


New Member
Hey guys!

This all escalated very quickly. Please let's try to calm down and be as objective as possible.

1. The only commenters on this thread that are not "New Members" are @chris37 and @trustmaster88. The rest of us are new. So please let's just stop the name calling and fake account labelling and etc...

2. Allegedly, only @ahmedfathy and @corotana have actually purchased from @trustmaster88 and myself.

3. A little about myself; I was never a member of this forum, but I googled fb ad account and I saw his alidropship posts come up on google.

I then added him on Skype and have bought about 4 ad accounts, 1 business manager, and 5 profiles from him.

ALL are active at the moment.

If you’re a facebook marketer and you don’t want to go from 50k per day in revenue to 0 overnight, you’ll know why I need so many backups.

If anyone would like me to prove that I’m a customer, I can prove it.

The reason I’m not going to just post screenshots without being asked is because I noticed from the conversation so far that most people don’t even read the screenshots, they just read the post and attack or defend, so it’s not worth the effort honestly.

But like I said, if anyone who will actually read it is willing, I can put the effort into masking sensitive information, and then uploading evidence.

4. @chris37 I can see that you’re quite an experienced marketer, in the spirit of fairness and due diligence, please check the screenshots of the fb ad account activity,

@chris37, is that how to use a new or previously dormant fb ad account? We all know that the account must be warmed… We all know that… and the warming is simply to prevent the account from getting disabled immediately.

@ahmedfathy did 2 things

1. He created an actual campaign with a goal (YIKES!)

2. Did not included a valid payment method before trying to lunch campaigns (DOUBLE YIKES!)

so I’m not blaming @ahmedfathy for making this mistakes, as we’re all human and not all of us have the same level of experience.

rustmaster88 is human too and is allowed to feel hurt that his instructions were ignored, he lost his product and now he’s being asked to refund the same person who by the way is refusing a replacement (he has the right to refuse of course but it isn’t exactly fair)

The Summary of the whole conversation is this;

@ahmedfathy had a bad experience with @trustmaster88 and we all of a sudden believe @trustmaster88 is a scammer because he felt that it was unfair to him to damage his product (which cost him money obviously) and then ask for a no questions asked refund.

Many of us in this business know that we give refunds generously only to shut a troublesome customer up, not because the customer is right.

But we also know that it hurts when we're taken advantage of by a customer who takes your product and wants their money too. This does not make us "scammers".

@chris37 if you’ve ever appealed a Stripe chargeback at any point in your career, then you know the pain lol. This however doesn’t make you a scammer.

Also guys, we know how scams work... There is no need for post purchase support. The scammer gets your money and runs away period.

Please guys, let's all calm down and be a bit mature and fair about this.

The ONLY PEOPLE here so far that have ACTUALLY bought from @trustmaster88 are, @ahmedfathy, @corotana and myself. all profiles are “New” so let’s either give them all credibility or give them all no credibility.

@ahmedfathy You made mistakes and went against instruction even in your evidence. You launched a proper (not warm up campaign) and you did not add a valid payment method.

Don’t be unfair to call someone a scammer when you know you share responsibility for things not going well.

Because you are not too experienced with this world of FB accounts and etc, What would have been right, would have been for you to accept a replacement and then follow instructions this time around.

If you then follow the instructions to the letter, and It still gets disabled, then ask for your money back… simple…

@trustmaster88 we have a great relationship, but as @chris37 with his experience should have told you in a calmer way, you can make $10k from your posts on this forum, so $70 is too small to mess your whole business up here.

I’m an eCommerce marketer, so I know how you feel, You’d say “If no one teaches them a lesson, they’ll continue to do this others” but let’s go through this logically;

If you deny him and it blows up like this, the public will always support the customer not the business no matter what. (It’s what people do)

If you cannot take it court, don’t take it to the streets.

That Customer vs business bias played on everyone that commented here unfortunately and I hope we all learn from this going forward.

So in summary, @ahmedfathy has gotten his money back, and hopefully all of us have learnt that we could have handled this better.

@ahmedfathy, you have a business, which is why you want to use facebook ads. Please calm down and learn the rules of using FB so that you can get back to doing 10k, 50k or 100k per day again.

If you don’t learn fast enough you will lose so much money buying accounts, disabling accounts and etc… I’m sure this is probably the 10th fb product you have bought. You probably bought tons of Business managers first that were all disabled with the ad accounts.

Thank you all for your time.

@chris37 You are a mature and respected figure on this platform. Please summerize the case and in all fairness please review it and clarify that @trustmaster88 could have handled it better but is not a scammer. It’s the honorable thing to do.

We have all been in @trustmaster88’s shoes as business owners and we should do the right thing with the little power we have

@chris37 clarify that @trustmaster88 is not a scammer but could have handled it better.

Thank you all very much! Love.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

This all escalated very quickly. Please let's try to calm down and be as objective as possible.
Hi Davdon,

Do not get me wrong but a new member that came today in defence of the @trustmaster88 is little be strange.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt to be a different person a not @trustmaster88 again with different account, because of the way your writing skill is above @trustmaster88 ( and mine as well :) )

The only commenters on this thread that are not "New Members" are @chris37 and @trustmaster88. The rest of us are new. So please let's just stop the name calling and fake account labelling and etc...
Actually in this forum @George96 @Delfi and @Larakis are way longer time then @trustmaster88 as can you see from them profiles.




So as logical guy you are you can understand those are real people , But the @corotana account was create 10 of august !!!!

Anyway i just want to make it clear !!

If you’re a facebook marketer and you don’t want to go from 50k per day in revenue to 0 overnight, you’ll know why I need so many backups.
I totally agree with you

The reason I’m not going to just post screenshots without being asked is because I noticed from the conversation so far that most people don’t even read the screenshots, they just read the post and attack or defend, so it’s not worth the effort honestly.
I have personal read all of the screenshot one by one. I am not defending @ahmedfathy because he make something right or wrong.

I am defending the right to don't like the products or service you get and asking for refund. (doesn't matter if he does't know to use it)

. @chris37 I can see that you’re quite an experienced marketer, in the spirit of fairness and due diligence, please check the screenshots of the fb ad account activity,
I am pro graphic & web designer and very activate dropshipper .

I know how to run a business. Your quality as a business man is when you realize you must refund the $70 even if not your fault at all for you don't harm a business of a $10000.

With my graphic web designer works , if a customer doesn't like one service i give for $50 ofcource i will refund him. I will not risk a business that can give me $6000-$9000 from a single website for $50 .

I hope you get my point.

@chris37, is that how to use a new or previously dormant fb ad account? We all know that the account must be warmed… We all know that… and the warming is simply to prevent the account from getting disabled immediately.

@ahmedfathy did 2 things

1. He created an actual campaign with a goal (YIKES!)

2. Did not included a valid payment method before trying to lunch campaigns (DOUBLE YIKES!)

so I’m not blaming @ahmedfathy for making this mistakes, as we’re all human and not all of us have the same level of experience.

rustmaster88 is human too and is allowed to feel hurt that his instructions were ignored, he lost his product and now he’s being asked to refund the same person who by the way is refusing a replacement (he has the right to refuse of course but it isn’t exactly fair)

The Summary of the whole conversation is this;
i do know that.. But this is not the reason i ask @trustmaster88 refund his customer.

the reason is the quality he want to give to his own business

Many of us in this business know that we give refunds generously only to shut a troublesome customer up, not because the customer is right.
exactly :(
So in summary, @ahmedfathy has gotten his money back, and hopefully all of us have learnt that we could have handled this better.
Yes @ahmedfathy it will get his money back form paypal . But if @trustmaster88 was play his card right, Now he could use this experience in his advance. What i mean by that ?? He could use to say a customer was not happy with my service for his own reason and i have refund him just like that. This way is going to be more trustworthy to everybody eyes !!

@chris37 You are a mature and respected figure on this platform. Please summerize the case and in all fairness please review it and clarify that @trustmaster88 could have handled it better but is not a scammer. It’s the honorable thing to do.

We have all been in @trustmaster88’s shoes as business owners and we should do the right thing with the little power we have

@chris37 clarify that @trustmaster88 is not a scammer but could have handled it better.
You are partial right . The only way to admin @trustmaster88 is a "legit online seller" is to refund his customer himself . That is the honorable thing to do.

If he do that is going to have my respect and support in his journey .

Best Regard
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New Member
Chris, I really dont know what your problem is. Ad accounts get banned, it happens, nothing to do with Trustmsaster. And you cant expect that he will refund you for every banned account.

You just being salty tbh.

Ive been buying from Trustmaster for several weeks now, legit guy. Also replaced my accounts, and helped with everything.
And he uses PayPal if you wish. No scammer uses PayPal.

You will probably say Im Trustmaster.. believe what you want.
Just move on already.