
  1. I

    Rubens theme (how to prevent slider image darkening?)

    Hi all! I'm using the Rubens theme currently. I would like to use a white and black image for my banner but I realize that there is a grayish/darkened overlay on the banners when I publish the website. My images do not look clean and white to match the white background of the main site. How...
  2. A

    Issue: Rubens theme Main menu/top menu items color not fully changing.

    I try to change Rubens theme main menu items color. So I went Customization -> Header -> Header Colors -> Transparent header elements color -> Selected the color. But When I check the results, the cart and search icon only updated the color which I changed. other menu items are not updated. Can...
  3. G

    Rubens theme burger issue

    Can someone please to tell me how to remove burger menu from my rubens theme?
  4. Sylvio

    Random products on page refresh

    Hello Friends, (Theme Rubens) I would like to display BEST DEAL, JUST ARRIVED, TRENDING NOW products and CATEGORIES products in RANDOM mode with each refresh of the page. Can I do it? Thanks for help :) Sylvio