
  1. L

    Large Postmeta Table

    This weekend I have had major site issues 504's and super slow performance in short bad news. My hosts SITE GROUND highlighted the postmeta table with 280k rows and is nearly 50MB. Also they forwarded an ajax optimisation article but my issues seem more deep rooted. Does anyone know about...
  2. J

    MALWARE in ALIDROPSHIP FILES? Malicious activities in my site! -- NEW UPDATE: Website CAN NOT Be accessed on MOST COUNTRIES!

    Hello.. i saw some malicious activities in my site. It came from Alidropship IP address. I don't know is it a normal activities or there is a malware in Alidropship file? Still not sure. If there is some malware in files, then it will not good for our SEO rank in Google
  3. A

    Is there a recommended caching plugin?

    Hey guys, Is there a recommended WordPress caching plugin that plays best with AliDropship? I am very familiar with all the different options, so need to list them for me, just wondering if anyone else has found one works better than the other specifically for this setup? Mainly concerned...