el greco

  1. JorgeL

    El greco theme gets broken

    Hi Support, I have noticed that this product breaks the home page of El Greco when you import it. Could you have a look, please? Basically, the first comment is appearing as part of the title on the homepage. It may be something wrong with the actual template when it is looping or variable...
  2. ThiagoN

    Social share icons - El Greco

    Hi, The "Add social share icons" option (Customization » Single product) is not working. I've also tested it on the demo website (https://demo.alidropship.com/...) using El Greco theme. The social share icons are always hidden. If I manually disable the "display" property, we can see...
  3. Johnny Hook

    El Greco Original Theme, coupone box is not responsive on mobile phones

    Hello. For El Greco Original Theme, coupone box is not responsive on mobile phones. Is there any way to fix this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/14U2wr5o9RKSARnkJgJV6YYl8W52ChKRX/view
  4. Johnny Hook

    El Greco Menu in 2 Columns Adjustment

    Hello. About menu from El Greco Theme (Alidropship Original) I have have less of skills to break up Women & Men in 2 different columns. If I leave as they are, they are looking like this - https://drive.google.com/file/d/12O87U2nHuU1bom5KZclMR9nCVF1hiUbg/view So if I want to order Men Clothing...
  5. remus

    El Greco template translation

    I want to buy el greco template. I entered the translation section and still does not appear and I need it in Spanish. https://translate.alidropship.com/glotpress/projects/themes/ Do you know when the translation template will be available? I also want to know if it is compatible with the...