da vinci 2

  1. thesotman

    No customization option foe Da Vince 2..0

    Hi,, After activating Da Vince 2.0 theme, I don't have the "Customization" option on the left column in WordPress as shown in the attachment image. Thanks for any help.
  2. C

    affilate store

    I want to add affilate marketing to my store How can I do that alidropship Da Vinci thank you
  3. Blz

    Disable reviews date on Davinci 2.0 ?

    hey, This option was present on davinci 1.0, but not 2.0, this is quite sad imo, was it removed on purpose? if so, any way to do it manually ?
  4. Shiv Saroya

    WinnerTrends General Store For Sale

    Hi I want to sale my fresh dropshipping store with well-researched Winner Product Details: https://winnertrends.com Note: $1300 Valued Domain Price: $250 contact: Email me at shivsaroya05@gmail.com
  5. S

    Da Vinci 2 Not Mobile Friendly

    I changed my theme to Da vinci 2 and since then, my site is no longer mobile friendly. Can someone help please?
  6. rgyg3

    Da Vinci 2 translation

    I have downloaded Da Vinci 2 theme in my Wordpress in Spanish but different texts in the theme appear in English, some in Spanish. I have checked the .po and .mo for the Spanish translation and it is loaded in the right folder. I have opened them and every sentence is translated from English to...