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  1. Comprar sin plastico

    I have AliDropShip Woo with a free theme of and it's working

    Many thanks...everything was solved with your reply. So nice. Glad to write you. I will come back here if I have any more question.Keep in touch people! Thanks!
  2. Comprar sin plastico

    I have AliDropShip Woo with a free theme of and it's working

    Dear All; 1st question: I have bought the Alidropship woo plugin and I'm using it in my website. I read that the only themes that works with Alidropship Woo plugin are 4 (DaVinci, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, etc...) but I'm using other theme of woocommerce (envo magazine, a free theme of...
  3. Comprar sin plastico

    I bought Alidrpship but I can't see woo pluging

    I bought Alidrpship and they say it was free the two plug-ins, I just need the woo plugin. They have sent me 3 files but I download them and activate in my WP and it say error, I can't find the woo plugin. Can you help me pleaseee 8
  4. Comprar sin plastico

    Donde está el plugin Alidrpship para woocommerce?

    Hola, He comprado ALIDROSHIP (2 plugins) y solo me han enviado uno no compatible con woocommerce Acabo de hacer la compra del plugin de ALIDROPSHIP y me he descargado el archivo ZIP que habéis enviado, también tengo mi número de licencia. Hasta aquí todo bien. He activado el plugin pero dice...