Search results

  1. Cam

    Add Alidropship Woo Commerce

    Hello; Is it possible to add Alidropship woo commerce plugin to an established blog to add a store to the website? Thank you.
  2. Cam

    Stripe For Non US Citizens

    I recently discovered a service that offers to the non-US resident to open a personal stripe account with your real Name, real address and real phone number. I tested this service and it worked for me, I would like to share with you this service if the admins agree. You will find below a payment...
  3. Cam

    AliDropship Plugin ver. 1.4.4 - UPDATE

    Thank for your help Christina it was too easy :eek:
  4. Cam

    AliDropship Plugin ver. 1.4.4 - UPDATE

    Thank you Victoria for this topics verry useful, please how to add the section ‘Shop this story’
  5. Cam

    Error auto update price in plugin

    I encounter the same problem I update manually every day :(
  6. Cam

    Google search console Error

    Direct Webstore Yes I already saw this answer on other topic; I submitted my content but still the same error :(
  7. Cam

    Google search console Error

    Salut; fansofmk, C'est ce qu'il me dit j'ai essayé sur mon mobile ça semble correcte, je ne comprends pas d'ou il me sort cette erreur, j'ai pas de Pop-up ni de live chat :confused: le soucis est que qu'il me sort que 13 liens alors que la page produit c'est la même pour tout les produits, vas...
  8. Cam

    Google search console Error

    Hi, Please how to fix these two ERROR message with google search console -Content wider than screen -Clickable elements too close together Thank You
  9. Cam

    AliDropship plugin/add-ons PHP 5.6/7.0 support termination

    Fatal error: The file /home/........../public_html/wp-content/plugins/single-product-promo-page/core/core.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP...
  10. Cam

    Raphael Theme Issue

    Issue N 6 Solved :)
  11. Cam

    Raphael Theme Issue

    Issue N 4 Solved Thank you.
  12. Cam

    Raphael Theme Issue

    Hello everyone, Im currently creating my Ecommerce website with Raphael theme a clean and nice theme, I dont have any knowledge of coding so I get information everywhere, and I find some difficulty if you want to help me with solve: 1. I dont find how to change the colors of the homepage like...