I recently discovered a service that offers to the non-US resident to open a personal stripe account with your real Name, real address and real phone number. I tested this service and it worked for me, I would like to share with you this service if the admins agree. You will find below a payment...
Salut; fansofmk,
C'est ce qu'il me dit j'ai essayé sur mon mobile ça semble correcte, je ne comprends pas d'ou il me sort cette erreur, j'ai pas de Pop-up ni de live chat :confused: le soucis est que qu'il me sort que 13 liens alors que la page produit c'est la même pour tout les produits, vas...
Fatal error: The file /home/........../public_html/wp-content/plugins/single-product-promo-page/core/core.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP...
Hello everyone,
Im currently creating my Ecommerce website with Raphael theme a clean and nice theme, I dont have any knowledge of coding so I get information everywhere, and I find some difficulty if you want to help me with solve:
1. I dont find how to change the colors of the homepage like...