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  1. S

    Question about imported reviews

    I think reviews don't automatically get imported. You have to manually import all of them in the dropship plugin setting. Can someone verify this? My problem is, once I import them, I want to delete some of them by moving them to trash. But when I import all the reviews on the site when...
  2. S

    Amidtad cashback

    Hi all, just want to clarify something here. In order to get the cashback, I will need to place the order by clicking on the link View item in Aliexpress in Edit Product? Or do I need to place the order through the order?
  3. S

    Product images got uploaded to Media library

    I noticed that the original plugin doesn't upload all product photos to the Media library but the woocommerce version does. Wouldn't this slow down the loading speed considerably? How do you solve this?
  4. S

    shop link when using woocommerce plugin

    So when I installed the pluggin and alidropship, my store is shows as and shows like a blog. How does everyone who uses woocommerce deal with this? How do I make it so that when I go to it will be my store and not a blog?
  5. S

    Need help with category for product

    When you click on a product link, you'll see Home -> Category A -> Category A1 and so on. My question is, I want to tag the product so that customers can view products by their features like colors or materials, etc. I tried tagging the product to 2 different categories but it only shows up in...