Search results

  1. G

    Suggestions on my website

    Hello ! The site looks great and real neat - to attract customers you need to reach them and show them what you have to offer :-). And before you do that - make sure you have REAL good products + decent pricing, keep checking your competitors. Use survey monkey to share some 25+ questions...
  2. G

    FB or Adwords?

    Agree !
  3. G

    FB or Adwords?

    Hi Pinno , My views, first and most important is the site design, it's loading time, UI, UX has to be optimal, you need to have a real good site having under 2 sec loading, green Google page speed score for both mobile and desktop, decent SEO , Google Search Console setup/Bing, Sitemap setup...
  4. G

    What are the most important plugins you're using for your woo store?

    Great Thanks .. How do I use it .. I have copied it to functions.php file .. both the call and the function .. but nothing changed .. when will this function be called.
  5. G

    What are the most important plugins you're using for your woo store?

    And I am looking for a plug-in that will take the product title of a product and update Alt Text attribute of all the images of this product with this product title. In the below screen shot "Colorful & Trendy Long Sleeve T shirt for Girls" in what I want the Alt Text attribute of all the images...
  6. G

    What are the most important plugins you're using for your woo store?

    Hello ! Surely want to try some from Kingpin's list I am using the below on my store and testing few . 1. Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce 2. Advanced Database Cleaner 3. AliDropship Woo Plugin :-) 4. Broken Link Checker 5. Discount and regular price cart and checkout page display...
  7. G

    Welcome to Early Version Test

    hmm.. I am using Yoast .. I guess I missed this feature or its only premium subscription .. let me check. Thanks!
  8. G

    Welcome to Early Version Test

    Greetings ! I had seen the plugin some 2 months back ..when my store was being developed ;-) Had liked it then . .. Now when I know few things about drop-shipping , My wishlist below and what I would like a plug in to have Don't want it to have TOP products OR selected products Or winning...
  9. G

    Outsourcing Options For all Back Office Operations

    In other words I am looking for TOP companies who provide Virtual Assistants, if you have used any please do share. Thanks!
  10. G

    Outsourcing Options For all Back Office Operations

    Hello, I want to out source all front office and backoffice operations - so for chats from website to chats from FB page, taking calls, may be managing orders, if you can point me to right direction as to which companies are the best for outsourcing this ? I have the chat and phone software...