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  1. JohnnieGR

    Still Not Working

    Thanks for the reply @kdb. Yes, I figured it out too. The thing is, what if we have thousands of products?
  2. JohnnieGR

    Still Not Working

    It was okay before. Now it is stuck on the third update.
  3. JohnnieGR

    Still Not Working

    Same here :( I sent them a message through their contact form and never got a reply.
  4. JohnnieGR

    PHP 8 Compatibility

    I hope the next update of the plugin will be compatible with PHP 8.x
  5. JohnnieGR

    AliDropship Woo plugin ver. - UPDATE

    Any news about the traffic reports problem?
  6. JohnnieGR

    How to deal with bans

    I m exactly in the same position like you. I have finished my online shop but i don't promote it because i don't won't to risk my paypal account. That's the last video i saw about this horrible stories getting ban from payment processors Do you or anybody else have any update about this?