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  1. Trung*

    Currency switcher issue

    Can you please give me that plugin name?
  2. Trung*

    Currency switcher issue

    Do you know if the Alidropship team will go to fix this issue in the near future?
  3. Trung*

    Currency switcher issue

    Thank you Chris. But the alias currency switcher plugin is very expensive. Do you have another way to make it working?
  4. Trung*

    Currency switcher issue

    Hi Reuben. I have the same problem with you. The currency jumps back to USD at the checkout page. Did you solve this problem?
  5. Trung*


    Hi Ekaterina, This is a screenshot of my products diagnostics.
  6. Trung*


    I'm having a problem. When going to see all products, many of them are marked as active. But when I go to each specific, it says Disapproved or invalid
  7. Trung*


    Hello. I just bought this add ons but having a problem: I want it to be displayed just right after the price. How can I do that?