Search results

  1. S

    AliDropship Google Chrome Extension update Ver. 2.4.17

    Also, it would nice if there is a COLOR PICKER TOOL in the image Editor. You might want include that in your next update. Thank you.
  2. S

    AliDropship Google Chrome Extension update Ver. 2.4.17

    Hello, thanks for your quick response. How do i PM you on here? Or i should just send login details to ?
  3. S

    AliDropship Google Chrome Extension update Ver. 2.4.17

    Hello, thanks for you hard work, Alidropship team. I believe the new Google chrome extension update have bugs in it... I couldn't import into my website since last week i thought the team would notice it and it would be rectified. The Image editor is a very good idea but for me it's a pain in...
  4. S

    Search box in category section

    Editing product description on Aliexpress before importing it. The category section is really hassle, especially when you have more subcategories. I tends to spend more times looking for the exact category that i want the product in. I would suggest that alidropship team should include a search...
  5. S

    Importing Wrong Reviews.

    I think there is a bug in the standard alidropship plugin. I was importing reviews to my website today and i found out that it was importing different product reviews for the intended products. For example, I imported reviews for women's back dress, instead it will import a different product...