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  1. M

    Import Not Working

    Привет, столкнулся с этой же проблемой, скачал самый последний плагин Алидропшип, делал log out раз 50 - не помогает. Удалял полностью плагин - скачивал повторно - не помогает. Уже второй день ничего не импортирует. Что это за фигня? Как починить?
  2. M

    IonCube for PHP 7.2 installed, yet AliWOO 7.2 not detecting it

    Hey the_lyall Mar Are nuts?! Go and treat your self with your mirror reflection! You are so miserable that you can't understand with you little brains that those people who ask about this way of installing are people who desperately stacked with this hosting. I've tried to install...
  3. M

    IonCube for PHP 7.2 installed, yet AliWOO 7.2 not detecting it

    Hi, ronrontheonly i need you qualified help! I fave an ionos (1&1) server and issue like yours. Your links provided here is getting old and there is no information about automatic script of automatical copier php.ini to each folder in web space. Could you help me with this script? I try to do...