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  1. Fillip

    Will AliDropship & AliDropship Woo Plugin work with other dropship directories?

    Thank you Mar. Fast reply, much appreciated.
  2. Fillip

    Will AliDropship & AliDropship Woo Plugin work with other dropship directories?

    Will AliDropship & AliDropship Woo Plugin work with other dropship directories? Or Does AliDropship & AliDropship Woo Plugin only work with AliExpress? Just curious. I'd like to know if I could use other dropship directories.
  3. Fillip

    Never sold anything for over 6 months

    Hi Denshy, First, I too am a newbie. I don't even have a website nor store. So you can take my advice for what it is, my personal take. 1. There's nothing that entices me to buy. I mean there's no "text information". You only have the product, price, a bunch of pictures, and at the bottom, the...