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  1. Majed

    Attributes values

    Hi all, This is a mistyping in the plugin code as I think. I noticed the plugin fill values of an attribute separated by comma ( Rose red, Gray, Light Coffee , Purple , Pink , Blue ), but it should be separated by a vertical pipe like : Rose red | Gray | Light Coffee | Purple | Pink | Blue. In...
  2. Majed

    Cannot activate the plugin

    By the way, I receive the message: License code is valid. Please go to Dashboard! means the verification has done. But still stuck in the same page.
  3. Majed

    Cannot activate the plugin

    Yes. Open incoming connection: Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- 80,443/tcp (Apache Full) ALLOW IN Anywhere 22 ALLOW...
  4. Majed

    Cannot activate the plugin

    It is not connected to domain name till the moment. it's on localhost ( means on a local server/ still offline ).
  5. Majed

    Cannot activate the plugin

    Hi all, I have installed the Alidropship woo plugin ( WOO Plugin (IonCube Loader version) ). Then when I opened the plugin dashboard, the activation page required the licence key. I put it , and pressed activate button, but nothing happend; always it goes back to the activation page. In fact I...