Search results

  1. rusgenya

    What payment gateway to choose with dropshipping
  2. rusgenya

    Bluesnap - Forget 2Checkout and it's high Fees [2Checkout & Stripe Alternative]

    The first year is free, the second year if the profit is less than $ 2500, then $ 75 per month.
  3. rusgenya

    [METHOD] STRIPE Payment Gateway

    Hey! how did you sign up?
  4. rusgenya

    [METHOD] STRIPE Payment Gateway

    Hi! this method still works?
  5. rusgenya

    $28,000+ in sales with a brand new store

    Great job your success! @kingpin! I would like to have your pdf please!
  6. rusgenya

    $28,000+ in sales with a brand new store

    you use SocialRabit plugin? what social network brings in the most profit can be email marketing, instagram, Facebook ads, Twitter? what do you recommend, that works best?
  7. rusgenya

    100K $ With Drop-shipping

    Hi! at what price you sell your store?
  8. rusgenya

    $28,000+ in sales with a brand new store

    sorry for my English :) you have one niche website or selling different products in your store? After payment you immediately send the goods to the client or wait a few days to avoid credit card fraud?