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  1. W

    Error when clicking on the shipping and payment tab on mobile..check yours now!

    Hey guys, Someone has just brought this to my attention on my store, and it is that when you view your website on mobile, click on any products, scroll down till you see the Shipping and Payment tab, and when you click on it, sometimes it would bring you down to the subscription/facebook...
  2. W

    Abandoned Cart Not Working

    Hi Ekaterina, I have pm you in regards to this problem. Thanks. Wesley
  3. W

    Abandoned Cart Not Working

    Hi there, Can someone here from Alidropship please have a look at my site ? My abandoned cart emails are not working as when I did a test, it returns an error. Error: Forbidden {"errors": [ {"message": "Forbidden."} ]} Would much appreciate some help! Thanks a lot.
  4. W

    I don't know why i am getting 2 Pixels on my website

    Hi Ekaterina, can you please get in touch with me when this issue is resolved too? I'm having the same problem..Thanks!