Paypal is supposed to take them to a checkout page where they can enter a CC or login into Paypal. It sends them to a login screen only. Only happens in Chrome it seems. It is a glitch
I hear you, but I care about right now, and solutions for now. who knows when they will or if they will update the theme for that.
I make all my images in Adobe Spark so it's quick and easy
I agree with everything you're saying about paypal but there is a glitch in the coding or redirect, that sends people to a login page not a payment page. Seems to be with Chrome. That's why Im losing sales
I've been testing the two themes. The paypal express button lags on Rembrandt, whereas on Davinci 2 it's quick. I also wanted to know where in Davinci two you can change the color of the top menu. I can't find it. Thanks
How do I get the message "Take a selfie with your products and email us to *email* for your chance to win $100 coupon code. "
I never added that in. How do I get rid of it
On the pics in the posts, its a pencil button in the top right corner when you highlight a pic. You can write, add in, scribble, edit, etc. But you can't crop.