Search results for query: Siteground

  1. Mar

    Woo + Flatsome terrible speed difficult and not user friendly. If you don't do it right, it will make your site even slower, or even break. I have a setting of W3 by Siteground developers and I saved it. I can send it to you if you are interested. All you do is import it. You don't lose anything if you try. It worked...
  2. M

    Slow website

  3. Direct Webstore

    Slow website

    cPanel is not a "host". A host is something like "GoDaddy" or "Siteground". Who do you use?
  4. Mar

    Best Hosting Plan

    I have a post about host providers spending too much in marketing, Siteground is one. Where do you think they cover the marketing cost, of course in the prices of their products.
  5. J

    Best Hosting Plan

    Hi Mar, thanks for taking the time to explain the troubles you have had with SiteGround. I feel they have grown too big, and that could be their downfall due to the restrictions they impose and the unnecessary price increases. Anyway, I've had some great advice from you (thanks again) and your...
  6. Mar

    Best Hosting Plan

    The bad experience I have with other host providers combined would not beat the bad experience I have with Siteground. Everyday I have warnings of different resources abuse, Disk Space, RAM, CPU, Data Base all hit their limits, all I never heard of my current host provider. One that is really...
  7. Direct Webstore

    Best Hosting Plan

    Shutting down your sites with no warning is pretty rude. I'm glad I've never used them. The really large hosts like that seem to be out of touch with their customers. I'm starting to think mid sized hosts are better and care about their customers more because they ARE smaller and need to...
  8. J

    Best Hosting Plan

    The thing that REALLY worries me about SiteGround: They can shut down all of your sites at once, without any warning! It happened to me once last year, so I contacted support at the time to find out what was going on, and they accused me of CPU abuse. I asked them what caused it and they said...
  9. Mar

    Poll: Do you use Alidropship or Alidropship Woo?

    I was with Siteground and it is a long story. Yes, most host provider including Siteground, renewal prize cost much than the the initial sign up. Not only that InterServer is much better as what I have experienced until now, cost wise it is also very cheap and it has this PRICE LOCK GUARANTEE...
  10. Direct Webstore

    Poll: Do you use Alidropship or Alidropship Woo?

    .. and read my post above yours. ;) As for Siteground itself, I have never used them, but Mar and others could probably give you horror stories, but she's probably sick of talking about them by now. Just type "Siteground" into the search above. But from what I've read, I wouldn't use...
  11. J

    Poll: Do you use Alidropship or Alidropship Woo?

    @Direct Webstore. Is Interserver better than my existing host (SiteGround)? And which plan do you recommend for starting out? STANDARD WEB HOSTING? I am coming up to the renewal date, and the prices with them have shot right up.
  12. Direct Webstore

    Best Hosting Plan

    And I'd like to suggest that everyone read all the bad stories about Siteground in this forum before making a decision to use them.
  13. AryanShirani

    Best Hosting Plan

    Hi, i would like to suggest a great hosting plan, actually for a discounted price. I am with them since 2013 and very happy with the service they provide. Fast, Secure and great support. check them out:
  14. Mar

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    It maybe true to some but not all. I have moved my site to another host provider with everything the same as it was with Siteground, in fact with much more products now, but all those issues I mentioned are gone and it still shared hosting.
  15. Direct Webstore

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin using the Original plugin, used a minimal amount of addon plugins ... basically kept it as boring and off the shelf as possible, Siteground may be adequate. It would certainly be OK for blog sites, but for e-commerce sites updating lots of products with lots of images, that's another...
  16. Direct Webstore

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    You'll also discover hosts without these problems. That's why I use two of those and stay was far away from as Siteground possible. Simple logic. It also requires simple research and I commend the O.P of this thread for making a start with that aspect. But even doing that is not enough, just...
  17. Runner

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    This problem can be typical if you are using shared hosting. This problem has a lot to do with how you import, plugins etc, it is not unique to Siteground you will discover the same problem with many other hosting companies as well.
  18. Mar

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    It will depend on how the chat support help. The chat support of Siteground used to help any issues. This time it is only for pre-sales inquiries. Any other issues will be redirected to the ticket system and you will have to wait for the update. If the issue is not critical, you may have to wait...
  19. Mar

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    Yes, as I said Siteground has this restrictions that don't exist in many other host providers. My current Disk Usage is 19.36GB. There was a time when I have more than 80GB due to my mistake in creating backups. I never heard a word from my host provider. Site loading speed depend on many...
  20. ofuroinu

    Anyone using Siteground with Alidropship Plugin

    I am (not) sure how true is this but most recommend siteground is good in speed.