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  1. A

    My Pricing update crashed

    How do I PM you my login info. I can't find a control on the dashboard to do that?
  2. A

    My Pricing update crashed

    Hello, was mistaken when I said this problem had been fixed. The price is not calculating well based in the formula I imputed. See this product as an example...
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    My Pricing update crashed

    Thanks for reply. However I realized the problem was coming from the fact that the variable products type was deselected and simple product was selected instead. For affected products. Why this happened, i really don't know. Anyway fixed.
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    My Pricing update crashed

    Woke up this morning and discovered all my pricing formula has returned to the default with the exception of very few. I ran the markup formula update just now and it has remained thesame. Please resolve this asap as I could get orders based on this ridiclous price I have now. I just launched...