Recent content by Randy Salars

  1. Randy Salars

    Question about Post Grabber

    What is the proper format for entering hashtags in post grabber? with or without the hashtag symbol? #hashtag or hashtag with or without a comma between them? #hashtag, #hashtag or #hashtag #hashtag Thanks!
  2. Randy Salars

    License key problem

    Thanks for your help; fyi, turns out I have to have it set up in the root and not in another directory for it to work.
  3. Randy Salars

    Payment gateways

    I'd like to see Bitpay
  4. Randy Salars

    License key problem

    I'm trying to set up a 2nd site for my Social Rabbit plugin, and after entering my license key it says it is valid and to go to the dashboard, but when I click on the dashboard link it just takes me right back to the enter license key and I can't enter the dashboard Ideas? / help? Thanks!
  5. Randy Salars

    theme upgrade fail

    ok, thanks!
  6. Randy Salars

    theme upgrade fail

    I just updated the davinci theme and now my site is gone; any ideas?
  7. Randy Salars

    T-Shirt Shop Module

    I'd like to see a customizable t-shirt,coffee mug,etc feature where we could go to a site like or and customize various items for our niche and sell them in the store. I tried using the spreadhsirt plugin, but couldn't quite get it set up to checkout through our...
  8. Randy Salars

    Fraud Prevention

    Are there any wordpress plugins, etc that will check for credit card fraud prevention. Kind of like some on this page Thanks!