Questions regarding image file renaming and removing alicdn link


New Member
I need helps with renaming the imported images from Aliexpress to use product title for image title, caption, and ALT automatically. Is there any way I can do this without manually edit every image?

Also, would having alicdn url in file link affect my google ranking? how do I remove all these links automatically? I read from this forum that it is not recommended to have those links.

Thank you!


I need helps with renaming the imported images from Aliexpress to use product title for image title, caption, and ALT automatically. Is there any way I can do this without manually edit every image?

Also, would having alicdn url in file link affect my google ranking? how do I remove all these links automatically? I read from this forum that it is not recommended to have those links.

Thank you!

Hello, kenta5d!

You should do it manually, indeed. Unfortunately, there is no way to do it automatically.


New Member

I have an additional question if you don't mind. Would having alicdn url in file link affect my google ranking? how do I remove all these links automatically? I read from this forum that it is not recommended to have those links. Also, would import image using Alidropship automatically add those pictures to my local server? I would like it on my server.



I have an additional question if you don't mind. Would having alicdn url in file link affect my google ranking? how do I remove all these links automatically? I read from this forum that it is not recommended to have those links. Also, would import image using Alidropship automatically add those pictures to my local server? I would like it on my server.

You can upload the images to your server to avoid these links. Go to AliDropship Woo -> AliExpress -> Settings.
Settings ‹ Jewelry Store — WordPress 2018-10-31 11-01-39.png