Existing Store Owners - Can we get some tips for the users who are just getting started?


I am new to Alidropship and starting this thread after I came across different issues while creating my store with Woocommerce. I am able to find some answers and help from this forum. Hence, I thought I should create a post where I and other new users can get tips from the experienced store owners.

We (new users) start the setup in high hopes and the knowledge we acquire from the documentation and then suddenly come across the issues which can be avoided easily given the fact that we knew them earlier.

I as an example, imported 100+ products till date and now I have to delete all of them and import them once again just because I have deleted some attributes and variations, resulting update issues. Also, I was not aware about CPU issues and now it took me two days to resolve that by reading various posts of experienced users. Moreover, I am confused while hiding the attributes and ship from info. Many other small things which can be managed before starting the import of while importing.

Hence, as a new user in this community, I humbly request all experienced store owners to give some valuable advice & tips to make this journey little bit easier for newcomers. Share anything which can be useful in any way, plugin setup, image editing, optimising, attributes, seo or anything.

Thanks in advance :)