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    Reviews editing does not work

    Hello! I have tried to delete a photo from a review and when i click on update i'm redirected to a 404 page, sometimes the error doesn't appear but the photo is still there. Any suggestions? Thank you!
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    Products update don't work properly

    I'm not talking about coupons. All i wanna say is that if i use a pricing formula for a specific category it also applies a random discount. Is there an option where i can disable this feature or make some changes to it? For example i wish to apply this discounts not for all products in that...
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    Update price (and stock) function.

    This option will disable the updates regarding the stock not the options regarding the pricing formula. How can we solve this problem?
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    Products update don't work properly

    I couldn't find anywhere any info regarding how can i apply discounts using pricing formula. Can you please give me more details about it?
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    Products update don't work properly

    I had already tried the latest version and the update option has a lot of bugs. If i try to update each product manually it works good but if choose to update them all at once it doesn't work properly. Some products are updated correctly and some don't. I have manually checked some products...
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    Products update don't work properly

    I don't know what was the problem but they told me that with the new update they will solve it.
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    Products update don't work properly

    The credentials are sent. Please check PM
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    Products update don't work properly

    Hello, I have updated to the latest version on both of my websites and i have a couple of problems when i try to update the products. 1. On my first website when i updated the products almost all of them were moved to draft even they were still available on aliexpress. 2. On my second website...
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    Delete Products Tab from menu- Michelangelo

    @ZAPPY I will add the categories to the main menu. I did this because i have many categories and i think it will look better.
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    Delete Products Tab from menu- Michelangelo

    On my store the HOME button is still there.
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    Delete Products Tab from menu- Michelangelo

    @kpatel Please follow these steps: Customization>Head and then add this code to css style: menu-item-has-children { display:none; } header .main-menu:nth-child(3){display:none;} The Products from pc version will be hidden but, unfortunately the All categories from mobile...
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    Delete Products Tab from menu- Michelangelo

    Hello, Dropshippers! How can i delete the Products Tab from the menu? I have tried to edit the menu but the "Products" tab isn't there. Thank you! Daniel M
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    Taxes In Drop Shipping for LLC non resident owners

    I found out that i have to declare them in my home country (Romania). But how about the taxes in US. A dropshipping Delaware LLC must pay taxes in US? I know that it has to fill some forms (i don't know exactly which ones) but i'm not sure if i have to pay some taxes, some say i have some say i...
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    Taxes In Drop Shipping for LLC non resident owners

    Hi! I opened a LLC in Delaware for my dropshipping business. I'm not a US citizen and i never been in US. I know that my company doesn't have to pay any taxes or fill any forms (please correct if i'm wrong). My question is: Do i personally have to declare the money that i receive from my LLC to...
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    [METHOD] STRIPE Payment Gateway

    Any help? @Yaros
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    [METHOD] STRIPE Payment Gateway

    I just received an email from Stripe and they asked me my SSN. I'm not a us citizen and i don't have a SSN but my company is registered in US. What should i do? I wanna give them an email and tell them that i'm not a us citizen, is this ok?
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    Direct Import from Aliexpress not working..

    I have updated the plugin to the latest version. If i click the import buton still doesn't work, i have to click on "Edit" then to click on "Add to import list" (or something similar). The problem is partially solved but is ok for me, thank you for all your help!
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    Direct Import from Aliexpress not working..

    I tried on 3 different devices, same problem on all 3. Also i deleted the cookies and reinstalled Chrome on each one. I really need to add some new products to my store. Any other ideas? What can be wrong?
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    Direct Import from Aliexpress not working..

    I left them a message but nobody answered untill now. Thank you for your reply!
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    Direct Import from Aliexpress not working..

    @Christopher I have the same problem, did you solve it? If yes, how? @Yaros @Igor