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  1. K

    Ship to 185 countries?

    Hi, The davinci theme has a 'Ships to 185 countries' and 'Free worldwide shipping' logos. Now epacket is mostly only supported by USA,UK, Canada and Australia. How can dropship stores such as World of Harry ship to other countries that don't support epacket? Such as New Zealand etc. The...
  2. K

    Preview DaVInci theme shows all grey screen

    I uninstalled the ALidropship Woo plugin and installed the AliDropship plugin, the Theme now works like a miracle! :D Thanks
  3. K

    Preview DaVInci theme shows all grey screen

    Hi, I uninstalled the AliDropship Woo plugin and still have the same issue. Please help.
  4. K

    Preview DaVInci theme shows all grey screen

    Hi, I installed the DaVinci theme and when I preview it, the preview shows all grey. If I activate the theme, I cannot access my site. What could be wrong? I installed the latest version of woocommerce. Thank you!