Search results

  1. jubran

    Fake Address/Phone Number or Real?

    You shouldn't use a fake one. If you don't want to put your actual address, then buy a virtual phone and address. Example:
  2. jubran

    About Order Tracking

    Track17 seems to sync updates better and faster.
  3. jubran

    The Journey Begins Today

    It's alright, but can't judge by seeing these 2 images. Good luck :)
  4. jubran

    Do I need to sign up with Alipay?

    If I understood right, then you'll be making 3 separate payments.
  5. jubran

    Pricing- to all variations question

    no it's not a must and it depends. Like if you're dropshipping from a brand, their pricing rarely changes so you'll just keep auto updating off and you can leave it unchecked. However, in other cases where the product price changes a lot, you better have the pricing formula checked.
  6. jubran

    Importing products from ali express without original promotions(sale)?

    Yes, just don't check the apply pricing formula and when you update, nothing will happen to it unless you update manually.
  7. jubran

    Do I need to sign up with Alipay?

    You don't need "Alipay". However, Alipay is used to process your credit card payment. But just to be clear, once you create an Aliexress account, you'll automatically have Alipay account. As for the information, you don't have to provide these but if they ask you, then you must provide it to...
  8. jubran

    Can i upload my own products on alidropship websites.

    Yes. Products -> add new product.
  9. jubran

    How to import reviews from product sold by another seller

    I guess not. But you can reset the connection to the item and then connect it to the updated seller and then import reviews.
  10. jubran

    Pop up to collect user email

    I mainly use ConvertPlus from CodeCanyon but you'll need much simpler plugins so I would search the plugin directory for popup and see what you like.
  11. jubran

    i didn't sell anything i need help please

    Hey, how about branding your store? You have 40 likes on Facebook. Another thing is how are you receiving traffic? If you are receiving a lot of traffic but without conversion, then why don't you use retargeting with FB Pixel, Google Tag, etc... So work on your store branding before you try to sell.
  12. jubran

    Getting lots of likes and clicks on facebook ads, just got one sale.

    Don't post anything revealing your niche respectively your store. Instead, use Hotjar and see your visitor's behavior by recording them. Additionally, you can search for ways to increase conversions on Youtube as nowadays, it's full of content. But I would advise to first test another product or...
  13. jubran

    Feedback / Orders / Votes ?? Not clear... (pictures) - Help !!!

    Again, Aliexpress has very weird bugs. Maybe the seller inserted a unique SKU and another seller has the same one so it merged the reviews (it might be that option but not sure). What is true is the actual reviews tab.
  14. jubran

    Facebook's New News Feed Strategy [Must Read]

    You've probably heard about it or seen it on your news feed. A message from Facebook that tells you about the new strategy of the news feed. Facebook will basically display much more content from friends and family rather than from pages. So is the new strategy bad for drop-shipping business...
  15. jubran

    How do we know sellers do dropshipping ?

    You simply ask him if he allows dropshipping. Even though 99.9% if not 100% of them allow and even love dropshippers. After all, you're bringing sales for them without their complicated marketing. But be careful for some products as nowadays, you'll find some Samsung, Adidas, etc.. products. To...
  16. jubran

    Sellers on AliExpress with 50.000 followers but no rating ??

    Aliexpress constantly does maintenance and you'll find a lot of things that are bugged or under maintenance. So check back later or try to visit one of his top selling products and check if it has reviews.
  17. jubran

    Installation of Alidropship Google Chrome Extension

    Sure thing! Check also the codex from for more information about that and other setup tutorials.
  18. jubran

    Google Search Console - Sitemap details setup for my website

    You simply need to provide a valid sitemap as you were exactly told. Therefore, you either code your custom sitemap with XML or simply install Yoast SEO and then go to advanced settings to enable sitemap and you'll be able to find it at So in google, you just...
  19. jubran

    Installation of Alidropship Google Chrome Extension

    Assuming you're using Google Chrome as your browser, navigate to this page and press add to chrome. That's it.