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  1. vpalm

    Sellvia Product Page Looks Awful

    Just reset it and looks ok now.
  2. vpalm

    Sellvia Product Page Looks Awful

    This Sellvia product page has too many images that I can't seem to delete.
  3. vpalm

    Moving an Alidropship woo store to Alidropship non woo plugin store

    Is there an easy solution to change my store from the Alidropship woo plugin to the non woo version as I'm finding getting the woocommerce plugin a bit of a pain. i.e tax etc. I think there's just a switch to throw with the non woo version to get your tax settings setup.
  4. vpalm

    Andywarhol woo main page Products

    How can I have more choice of products on my andywarhol woo theme front page. Also can the main product images be improved. i.e less clutter