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  1. G

    "Best Deals" section not displaying correct

    For those interested: If a product is in the category Top Selling products, it can't be presented in Best Deals. Thanks @Victoria Kudryashova for your explanation.
  2. G

    "Best Deals" section not displaying correct

    My "Best Deals" section is not displaying correct. It goes high to low 47% 48% 38%37% 28%.... AND the highest of 58% is not even displayed at all (but it is displayed in "New Arrivals"). How do I correct this ? I already deleted cache etc, but that doesn't do the trick. I've got Da Vinci theme.
  3. G

    Does anyome know how to get iDeal to work with Stripe ?

    Help/hints are much appriciated.
  4. G

    Description of userlogin page says "Page Not Found", but page is working fine

    Thanks, that will probably also solve the problem. For now I created a blank page with permalink ~/userlogin, which solved it and seems to be working fine. Also gave me the chance, in the page titel, to let the customer know why they would want to create an account (which is not obvious to...
  5. G

    Description of userlogin page says "Page Not Found", but page is working fine

    Description of userlogin page says "Page Not Found", but page is working fine. Can someone tell me how do I change the description, what you see at the top of the browser (browser title bar), for userlogin page ?
  6. G

    Is it spam or not?

    Hi, if you have registrations without a name, but just username/email than I have the same since a day. They are not registrations on your site, but direct registrations in WordPress (so it is spam / someone trying to hack)... if you go to you'll see an wordpress login, with...
  7. G

    email address in top menu bar not clickable anymore

    Really ? Oke.. it is so natural to me that it is clickable that I thought it was.. But in the meanwhile I had a few people check my site and they all noticed that it wasn't clickable and found that strange... So if you for whatever reason don't want to make that clickable that it opens an email...
  8. G

    email address in top menu bar not clickable anymore

    I'm not sure if that is since the last update (to 0.9.6) or before that, not something you test after every update. Do others have this issue ? Is there something I can do to fix it ?
  9. G

    AliDropship Version 0.9.6 UPDATE

    Hi Victoria, that's just the thing, I don't want to have to update manually. That just tedious and not necessary if it is automated. I might be the only that would like the option per product to update stock or price, or have a pricing formula per product that overrules the general pricing...
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    AliDropship Version 0.9.6 UPDATE

    Love the "Separate options for updating prices and stock in Product Options" but I would like to see an extension of this. For instance I have products that don't fit in the Pricing Formula (they would become to expensive for instance to other similar products on the marked). For those products...
  11. G

    Adding options to "When a product disappears from AliExpress or is out of stock"

    Or when it is just "out of stock" have the option to let it go to a "Pre-order now" kind of checkout.. So you don't lose the sale. It would also be nice to be able to give customers an extra incentive with a discount if they pre-order.. "Pre-order now and get 10% off" or something like that..
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    You Can't Use Discount Codes with PayPal Express

    I couldn't find it in the documentation or on the forum. So I sent in a support ticket. But for those who use Discount/Promo Codes, You Can't Use Discount Codes with PayPal Express !! I've turned Paypal Express checkout off for now (at least while I'm running ads with promo codes). Or you could...
  13. G

    Bug with Slashes appending to my URL's

    The same happens in abandoned cart email body's. If this could be fixed that be great, so I can have the same look for my notifications and abandoned cart emails.