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  1. C

    Activation account email with wrong activation link

    Hi, i have a problem. when customers want to register in my site, the system send an activation email. This mail has a link for activate the account. The problem is that the link is broken. The link it generates is like this...
  2. C

    Variations are imported all with the same price as the cheapest (problem started yesterday)

    Update: I have found that if i import the product from the button shortcut in the products list, the product is imported with the correct variations prices. I attach a screen capture of that button
  3. C

    Variations are imported all with the same price as the cheapest (problem started yesterday)

    From yestarday when i import a product that has variations (with different prices), the product is imported with the same price for all variations (the cheapest price is replicated to all). It dosent matter if i have or not checked "apply to all variations" in the pricing section of the windows...
  4. C

    User register: email already registered

    Maybe i did'n explain this correctly. In the explained situation, the system says that "email is already registered" but it's not! The customer in this scenario can't register because of this, and even can't recover a password because there is no user with that email registered. So is stuck.
  5. C

    User register: email already registered

    But it makes sense for some customers. For example, a customer enter the website and fill the cart, in fact maybe try to do the order but for some reason leave the cart without buying. The next day he try to register in the website as a customer. In this point is where the problem appear, as...
  6. C

    User register: email already registered

    Hi, I have a problem when user wants to register. Even if the email is not registered (it's not in the user list) the system says that the user email is already registered. I made some test (trying to register a user with a test email) and it keeps saying that email is already registered. I...