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  1. T

    Arabic language not imported with products

    update: It seems that the problem is related to the Plugin not the extension. When I deleted the latest updated version and installed the old version (Aliwoo 1.6.37) it works normally
  2. T

    My Dropshipping Store for sale

    My Full Dropshipping Store is for sale at a great price. The store is runing, and ready from the first hour after receiving it. Interested person contact me to view the store.
  3. T

    a full Dropshipping Store for 150$

    Hi everyone a Full dropshipping store on Aliexpress for sale - ready online store + free logo - a Premium theme like Alixpress main site editable by elementor. - elementor + elementor Pro installed - Slider revolution - 10 categories with optional Aliexpress imported products for each category...
  4. T

    Arabic language not imported with products

    it seems the updated chrome extension not loading the chosen language Arabic with imported products, Although it is selected in the Language list the Aliexpress page. is this from the plugin or the extension? and how can fix this? thanks