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  1. M

    Setup a VPS for Alidropship

    Hi. Do you have any guide or advice to setup my own VPS to use with Alidropship, instead of a regular cpanel based webhost? I´m planning to use Windows Azure Thanks
  2. M

    Beta-Testers Needed!

    I also want to beta test Ali for Woo. If there is any spot left, please let me know.
  3. M

    Any idea when Alidropship plugin for woocommerce will be Available?

    Hi Guys, if you wonder if your current Alidropship license will work on Woocommerce, Yaros said it will. Check this post:
  4. M

    Beta-Testers Needed!

    Hi, Nice to see alidropship working with woocommerce!, but the current AliDropship keys will work on this new release?
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    Direct import to category

    Hi there! i am direct importing products, but i wonder if i can import them to a specific category, because i can´t... and they dont show up when i click on the product at the home page, i receive a 404 error. Thank you
  6. M

    Pages not showing

    Hey, that was it... Thank you!
  7. M

    Pages not showing

    Hi, thank you Ash, but the problem is that there are no pages at all, once i upload the plugin, theme and activation code. There is no menu, like main menu, apparently the theme does not create the necessary pages for the site
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    Pages not showing

    Hi , i installed the plugin 2 times, hosting at godaddy. But the pages (checkout, contact us, etc) are not showing, and they are not in the WordPress backend either.... Any ideas on what the problem could be? Thanks!
  9. M

    nginx error when testing notifications

    Hi guys, i just needed to setup my mailing service settings, with the provider, sendinblue in my case... So that´s it, solved!
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    nginx error when testing notifications

    Hi! when i press the test button to view how the notifications will look like under settings-->notifications , i receive this error: error 404 not found nginx. I am using godaddy hosting.