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  1. K

    Update notification emails are empty

    Am I missing something here? I can't find anything on this issue. I have email notifications enabled for price updates and out of stock notifications, but I only receive an empty email showing only my store name without a link. I receive the emails randomly, sometimes multiple a day, so I think...
  2. K

    Can't change the order of attributes -> Always alphabetical

    Somehow I can't change the order of attributes in the product editor. All attributes have "Default sort order -> Custom ordering", but I can't seem to change the order of the attributes, causing the front end to show "L, M, S, XL" instead of "S, M, L, XL". I tried dragging and dropping...
  3. K

    "Your cash-back URL is not correct" keeps showing up

    For some reason, I keep getting the message "Your cash-back URL is not correct" when I try to "Place order automatically". My store isn't live yet, so I added all products in my store to make a test purchase. The plugin adds a few products, but then it randomly shows the message at product 6 to...