Recent content by Zeev Dzialoshinsky

  1. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Payment Gateway service

    For the Credit Card Payments, you do need to apply directly to the credit card companies, you have only 9 companies + PayPal that you can apply because Alidropship only working with that selected companies,
  2. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Woo Feed

    Is any way to use WOO FEED plugin on Ali-dropship website, so any update on my product will reflect the product feed table?
  3. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    AdWords Feed Table

    1. When I change the price of one product I would like that this change will affect my product catalog in Facebook and AdWords, Is it possible? 2. Is any way to get a table for my product that fit Facebook / AdWords Product Catalog Feed?
  4. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Facebook Pixel

    I have put Facebook Pixel on my site, in order to run a campaign I need to know what is my “FEED URL” Can you please help me to find it?
  5. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Customer Payment Issue

    I just received an order from a customer, but I can't track this order on PayPal and on Stripe too? Is it possible?
  6. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Update product Disable the Update option if you don’t want the Plugin to update this product automat

    Some of my product showing the cost price on the sell price, why? Update product button, if I want to update is the button should be blue or gray?
  7. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    AliExpress Product ID

    Can I find Ali Express product ID on my product?
  8. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Importing Products

    No, I can't import any peoduct
  9. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Importing Products

    I did it many time, doesn't help
  10. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Importing Products

    I try to imports one product, already 10 min and it's still not importing,
  11. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    paypal pending payment

    I have same issue today, PayPal told e to wait till 4 September to get my payments
  12. Zeev Dzialoshinsky


    Since I update my WP to version 4.8.1 any one who want to buy product and he choose Stripe Credit Card after he filling his address and personal details he have to click "proceed to Pay" instead of going to fill credit card details page he getting into a loop and he need to fill his address and...
  13. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    WordPress update

    Can I update WordPress to WordPress 4.8.1 with no worry?
  14. Zeev Dzialoshinsky

    Aliexpress new security situation

    When I want to import large amount of products after 10 min Aliexpress ask me for each product to log in again, do you have any solution?