Recent content by vivian

  1. vivian

    Confusing about drop shopping model

    You are kind enough to share your tips Sozoalvin, i feel more relax now but of course still lots of things to learn. Thanks for Yaros set up this forum so people can learn and support each other. This "own your business" thing is so lonely and many times feel trapped for not knowing what to do...
  2. vivian

    Confusing about drop shopping model

    Wow. Sozoalvin, thanks so much for your sharings. these help me and ease my anxiety a lot. Yes, may be i need to stop worry too much. Since I'm new to this field, and read many information online mentining this is scam, many people fail and lost a lot money et.....I'm scare to dive in and worry...
  3. vivian

    Confusing about drop shopping model

    Thanks for your reply Sozoalvin, what do you mean provide me answers via hyphens? see above? understand what you mean taking risks. but at the same time i want to forsee the chance of success. used to proscination a lot, read and study a lot...scare and wait too long to take the leap. that's...
  4. vivian

    Confusing about drop shopping model

    Hi there Read many articles and still very confusing about this drop shipping model. I'm interested in this model because of no inventory and without a budget to buy stocks. Can I really able to get products from AliExpress then sell to all countries around the world? or only in my own...