Recent content by ABarry

  1. A

    Unable to update plugin

    When I try to update my plugin, I get the following error: PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Invalid archive structure
  2. A

    No automatic order for Ali Woo version?

    Are there any screenshots someone can show me where this is at? I am looking at a test order and I do not see it. All I see is an option to place the order manually. Thanks, Adam
  3. A

    Delivery Times

    Is there any way to get the estimated delivery time from the posts on Ali Express? I would like to put on the items the estimated delivery times for the items. Thanks, Adam
  4. A

    How to add shipping method option in online store.

    Is this not available in the woo-commerce plugin? I do not see the options for it.